


Philip Terman’s books include This Crazy Devotion (Broadstone), Our Portion: New and Selected Poems (Autumn House) and, as co-translator, Tango Beneath a Narrow Ceiling: The Selected poems of Riad Saleh Hussein (Bitter Oleander). Forthcoming is The Whole Mishpocha: New and Selected Jewish Poems (BenYehuda Press). A selection of his poems, My Dear Friend Kafka (Nimwa Press, Damascus) was translated into

Arabic by Saleh Razzouk.


His poems and essays appear in many journals and anthologies, such as Poetry Magazine, The Kenyon Review, Poetry International, The Sun, The Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish Poetry, and Extraordinary Rendition: American Writers on Palestine.


He directs The Bridge Literary Arts Center, a regional writer’s organization in western, PA and conducts poetry workshops and coaches writing hither and yon.






Philip Terman

My Blossoming Everything