


Samiri Hernández Hiraldo was judged a finalist by Victor Hernández Cruz for the Paz Prize for Poetry 2012. Her poems appear in PALARA (Publication of the Afro-Latin/American Research Association), Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social, The Griot, The Acentos Review, Azahares, Latin American Literary Review, Latino Book Review, Letralia, and The Journal of Latina Critical Feminism.


She is part of various poetry groups in English and Spanish. She organizes poetry events for Palaver Tree Theater, a non-profit organization that promotes the arts in the Florida Big Bend area.


She was born and raised in Puerto Rico, and earned a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Michigan. She has published academic work and teaches anthropology, women’s studies, and religion at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University.



Samiri Hernández Hiraldo

The Five Legs of the Cat