


Chapbook Catalog

ISBN 9780991395248


Kindle $2.99


Reading Fred Whitehead’s latest collection of poems, Half Speed Epiphany, is akin to walking through a lush forest, foraging, wherein you find sustenance for mind and spirit.


Those moments of clarity for which we thirst? Find them over and over in unexpected nooks and crannies in these pages.


Even that title: half speed (slowing down the whoosh and rush, so that more is seen, and perhaps a gentle self-depreciating dig at one’s own slower “with-it”-ness) epiphany (the veil of samsara is lifted) is so apt, so Fred, and also so relevant to each of us.


And, like Fred, these poems are unpretentious, wry, humorous, insightful, seeing, and filled with magical naming and language that will swoop  you in.


  - ryki zuckerman author of Looking for Bora Bora




Half Speed Epiphany is available only in the Kindle edition.


Frederick E. Whitehead

Half Speed Epiphany